When someone has been through a very traumatic experience it can be difficult emotionally to get through. Many are left with upset feelings, scary memories, or a constant fear of danger. Getting over the pain after something bad has happened can be very difficult to do. However, if you start with self-help strategies and reach out to someone for support, you are sure to recover without a problem.
What is Emotional and Psychological Trauma
“The shock of any trauma, I think changes your life. It’s more acute in the beginning and after a little time you settle back to what you were. However it leaves an indelible mark on your psyche.” – Alex Lifeson
When extremely stressful matters come about that destroy a person’s sense of safety occurs, this is an emotional or psychological traumatic event. In most instances, a traumatic experience is one that is a near death situation or a threat to someone’s personal safety; however, there are instances in which this is not the case. A traumatic experience is greatly defined by the person’s emotional experience while the event took place. Events can lead to a traumatic experience if:
• The victim was not prepared for it
• The victim felt powerless
• The event continues to happen
• The attacker was intentionally cruel
• The event took place while the victim was a child.
Factors that Could Contribute to Your Trauma
Not everyone goes on to experience emotional and psychological damage as a result of a traumatic event. There are some that can recover right away, while others will need more time to heal. There are quite a few risk factors that can make people more likely to become vulnerable to emotional and psychological damage. Those who are already under a great deal of stress might find it easier to become emotionally distressed. Also, those who have been traumatized before are at a higher risk for experiencing damage as a result of a new event. Those who suffered from a traumatic event as a child are also known to be more likely to be traumatized easily. Some childhood factors might include
• Bullying
• Neglect
• Physical, sexual or emotional abuse
• Serious illnesses
• Invasive medical procedures
• Separation from a parent
Signs that You’re Suffering From Emotional and Psychological Trauma
No one will react the same when faced with a traumatic event. You should not feel as if there is some wrong or right way to react when something happens as your actions are normal. Some signs that you’ve experienced trauma might be:
• Isolation from others
• Increased fears or anxiety
• Sadness
• Hopelessness
• Guilt
• Constant mood swings
• Difficulty sleeping
• Increased heart rate
• Body aches and pains
• Easily scared
• Hard time concentrating.
These emotional and physical signs will occur at the time of the event and can last as long as a few months following the event. Over time these feelings should begin to subside, but many have reported still feeling traumatized when triggered.
When it’s Time to See a Professional
“Just as the body goes into shock after a physical trauma, so does the human psyche go into shock after the impact of a major loss.” – Anne Grant
Don’t beat up on yourself because you’re not over something that happened to you. Recovering from a traumatic experience can take some time and there is no stop watch for when you should be over it. However, if after a few months of trying to get over it, your feelings are still strong, you might want to consider talking to a therapist about your problems. You should seek help if you:
• Unable to function in your daily life
• Extremely fearful or anxious
• Experiencing continual nightmares or memories about the event
• Avoiding things that trigger the trauma
• Isolating yourself from others
• Start using drugs and alcohol to numb the feelings
Locating a Trauma Specialist
When you begin looking for a therapist to talk to, make sure that you find someone that you’re comfortable with and that has extensive experience in helping those with emotional and psychological trauma. If you don’t know where to find one, try talking with your doctor or insurance provider for referrals.
Treatment Options for Emotional and Psychological Trauma
Treatment will essentially involve the act of facing your feelings and learning how to deal with them productively. There are several trauma therapy treatment options that your therapist might try. These options include:
• Somatic Experiencing – The idea of this therapy is to work with your body and how it reacts to trauma. By focusing on your body’s actions, you are able to learn how to channel the feelings in a constructive way and learn to find better ways to release the energy you feel.
• Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing – this method will focus on eye movements. The eye movements are said to pull the traumatic experiences and allow you to deal with them as opposed to harboring the memories.
Tips to Recovering from Emotional and Psychological Trauma
• Don’t close yourself off. It can be very easy to isolate yourself from others. This only makes things worse. Instead, try linking up with those that are supportive.
• Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to ask others for help. Even if all they can offer is a supportive ear.
• Get involved. Don’t just sit around. Remain social by participating in local social events.
• Join a support group. Sometimes talking to others who have been through a traumatic experience can help you get through the overwhelming emotions you feel.
• Get plenty of rest so that your symptoms don’t become worse
• Avoid alcohol and drugs. Many people become dependent upon substances to mask their pain.
• Get regular exercise
• Reduce the stress in your life.
Assisting Someone Who Suffers from Emotional and Psychological Trauma
When a loved one has gone through a very traumatic experience, it can be very difficult to understand how you can help. However, your love and support is just what they need to get through this. You can give a lot of help by being understanding to their situation, offer support, being available when they want to talk, encouraging them to relax, and remember to not take things personally if your loved one reacts out of pain.
Talk about your traumatic experience and how you feel as much as you can. Talking is a good way to heal and find ways to move on with your life. Facing your feelings and learning how to constructive move past them is your best option for overcoming these feelings and moving on with life as it once was.
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